Weekly News and ReflectionsThe Latest News – All the news that is relevant for our community.
Reflection 11-3-2024
Reflection by Rev. Leonard N. Peterson Sometimes in life knowing what questions to ask makes all the difference. Take for example your question to the specialist doctor: “Is my condition life threatening?” Or to the local grocer: “Is this really fresh produce?” Or...
Reflection 10-27-2024
Reflection by Rev. Leonard N. Peterson For a while the watchword was simple: “Don’t leave home without your cell phone.” But now there is a codicil: “You’ll need your GPS.” The letters stand for “Global Positioning System” a once military property that tells you o...
Reflection 10-20-2024
Reflection by Rev. Leonard N. Peterson Devotees of daytime TV know all about “The Price is Right.” I found out that it happens to be TV’s longest running game show. The gist of it is that participants try to win cash and prizes by guessing the prices of various...
OLV 70th Anniversary Celebration
Please join us Friday, October 25 at 3:00 PM for a mass of thanksgiving for our 70th Anniversary. Mass will be concelebrated by Fr. Perez, Fr. Horkan and Fr. Gould. For those with reservations, the Anniversary Dinner begins at 5:00 PM at the Mimslyn Inn. The deadline...
Reflection October 13, 2023
Reflection by Rev. Leonard N. Peterson There is something attractive about most “Rags to Riches” stories. They whisk us away from the day-to-day matters that crowd our days to a dream world we all inhabit from time to time about being rich. In this vein, note the...
Reflection October 6, 2024
Reflection by Rev. Leonard N. Peterson If I write or say the word “convention” at this time you can’t be blamed for conjuring up images of noisy political gatherings two of which we just lived through in this presidential election year. But there is another, less...
Reflection September 29
Reflection by Rev. Leonard N. Peterson We don’t usually think this way, but the shelves of your favorite supermarket are an example of tolerance. Just check out the cereal section, for example, the next time you’re there and notice the wide variety of types and brands...
Reflection September 22
Reflection by Rev. Leonard N. Peterson Let’s pretend for a bit and project our times backward to the days of the Apostles before the resurrection where our gospel passage finds us. A young reporter named Rebekah for “Action News Jerusalem” is dispatched to interview...
Reflection September 15
“The lazy, crazy, hazy days of Summer 2024 will officially end next weekend. Looking back, we have our memories hopefully good and perhaps sadly bad. Among the latter that I have are those stories of drownings and shark attacks especially involving youngsters. But...
Reflection September 8
Reflection by Rev. Leonard N. Peterson “God is in the details.” That’s a thought attributed to the minimalist German architect Miles van der Rohe. He was referring to the attributes of his many creations. While it might at first seem to be too great a stretch to...