We want to reach out to our parish members and community

Our Lady of the Valley Covenant

We, the parish family of Our Lady Of The Valley, do hereby covenant ourselves to God by working to proclaim His word, build His community, celebrate His liturgy and serve His people. With this covenant and the living witness of Christ as our example, we resolve to:

  • Provide an atmosphere of warmth, hospitality and love in which our shared faith in Jesus Christ is manifest in meaningful and life giving liturgical celebrations.
  • Provide all members of the community the opportunity for spiritual growth through religious education and formation programs and through sharing the richness of our faith.
  • Build a bond among members of our community by coming together, establishing personal relationships and helping one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.
  • Take ownership of this covenant by providing adequate physical surroundings, financial support and our personal commitment.

We affirm this covenant to you, Father, in unity with the Holy Spirit, through Christ, our Lord. Amen.