Your donations paid automatically and directly to the parish

 AutoPay Your Weekly Donation

As promised, we now provide online giving, utilizing software called ParishSOFT Giving!
This is a convenient and secure way to make a one-time or recurring weekly offering to Our Lady of the Valley.

Getting started is easy – visit our parish’s new giving page at:

 The SCREENSHOTS below shows you what the actual enrollment process will look like.

Online enrollment form
This link provides a safe and secure way to (if you don’t have an email or computer, please call the office):

  • manage your account online
  •  set up gifts on your schedule
  • select the option of credit card, debit card, checking, or savings
  • you can select a one time or recurring offering
  • you can donate to any of the second and/or special collection, poor box, or Mass intentions

Online giving provides:

  • cost-effective savings
  • eliminating administrative time
  • consistent cash flow to operate more efficiently
  • effectively reduces the counters time commitment

When you participate in this safe and secure method, your offering transfers directly into the parish bank account, eliminating check writing and/or a stop at the ATM!

This is an image / screenshot below is a sample of how the Donation page looks

Donation Page

OLV is continually developing our ministries programs. This evangelization mission comes with associated costs and expenses, such as office supplies and maintenance demands. These costs increase every year. As you prayerfully consider online giving, we hope you will be able to increase your offering and use ParishSOFT Giving.

Remembering the words of Genesis 26:12, “And Isaac sowed in that land and reaped in the same year a hundredfold. The Lord blessed him.”

As always, please know that it is through your prayers, acts of kindness, and goodwill towards others that you manifest your most active witness to Christ.

I am most grateful for your generosity to OLV. Together, let us strive to be the best possible stewards of God’s marvelous gifts!

Sincerely in Christ,
Rev. Edwin E. Perez

Now you can visit our parish’s new giving page and set up an account at: