Reflection by Rev. Leonard N. Peterson
Let’s pretend for a bit and project our times backward to the days of the Apostles before the resurrection where our gospel passage finds us. A young reporter named Rebekah for “Action News Jerusalem” is dispatched to interview ordinary people who have become followers of Jesus. Given a tip by Mordecai, the assignment editor, about a group of 12 who are currently in town, she asks a certain man named Thomas what the group is discussing at their meeting. Thomas shyly replies, “We’re trying to decide which of us is the greatest?”
Rebekah replies, “Our sources tell us that’s the kind of question that your Leader disdains. Isn’t that true?” Just then the Leader Himself comes into camera range. Rebekah notes the man’s good looks and regal bearing despite His drab clothes and asks him straight away “Sir, don’t you dislike talk of privilege and position among your followers?” “Surely”, He replies, in a voice that could enrapture any audience. These men are good people, but they have a lot to learn about My perspective on things.”
He goes further. “Rebekah, may I call you that?” “Certainly,” she says, “our viewers call me that, and we’re anxious for your thoughts.”
Jesus at this point calls a little boy over from a group playing tag. Putting His arms around the boy’s shoulders, He looks into the camera while also addressing His young followers and says, “Look, guys, and those of you watching on TV or online right now, “If you really want to be first, you’ve got to choose the last place. And if you receive a child like this boy here in My Name, respecting His innocence and his not angling for a position, you will be really receiving Me. Or even better, you will be receiving the One, the Person I call “Father” or “Abba” (Daddy) who sent Me. And we will always have your back.”
TV reporter Rebekah, taking back her mike, says into the camera, “Well, there you have it, everybody, an unexpected drop- in conversation with the Man himself, Jesus of Nazareth. Now back to our studio. I’m Rebekkah in Jerusalem for Channel 144, Action News.”
I trust that you here and now can see the major point of the gospel that I tried to dramatize. True greatness comes from acknowledging who we are in God’s eyes, not the eyes of fellow human beings. Setting goals like climbing social or corporate ladders, wishing for fame and fortune, or flaunting our possessions is so much a pursuit of nonsense. As for so many other teachings in Christ’s Church, humility is key. “The person with true humility never has to be shown his place; he is always in it.”
God love you and give you His peace.
Rev. Peterson’s Reading & Gospel Summary
Reading I: Wisdom 2:12, 17-20
The wicked, in this case apostate Jews, want to make power the norm of goodness. This to allow them to persecute the just man, because his lifestyle is a silent reproach to theirs.
Reading II: James 3: 16 -4:3
The author provides the qualities of true wisdom, and then the causes of war and strife among peoples.
The Gospel: Mark 9: 30-37
Jesus foretells His coming passion and death. Meanwhile His disciples discuss a completely unrelated matter that needs Jesus’ input.